Cedar Down Farm grows a diversity of certified organic veggies for a nearly year-round farmshare program.
We have 3 distinct share seasons: Summer, Winter and Spring. Members can register for any combination of shares at the time of registration.
Our early spring shares are made up of the freshest, tender greens picked from our hoophouses right when you are beginning to crave them most! We begin harvesting beautiful fresh greens and other cold loving veggies in April for 5 early shares to get you through until summer begins!
Summer members receive a weekly share of freshly picked, seasonal vegetables. The veggies are harvested the day before or the morning of your pick-up and brought to one of our drop-off sites for members to pick up.
In the winter, sweet, crisp winter crops and fresh greens are delivered bi-weekly from November to late February. We pack our hoophouses with lettuce, spinach, kale and more and store all of our own hearty crops like potatoes, carrots, squash, onions and more and bring them to you throughout the winter. Scroll down for more information!
Click HERE to see some samples of what our various seasonal shares look like throughout the season.
Early Spring Share
Just when you’re starting to really crave fresh, garden produce, our early greens share serves up crisp lettuce and spinach, crunchy radishes and bok choy, kale, chard and other cold-hearty greens from our hoophouses. The share consists of 5 weekly deliveries beginning in mid-April of lovely fresh greens just when you’re wanting them most.
Summer Share
The Summer Share is 20 weeks long, beginning mid-June with WEEKLY or Bi-WEEKLY options until the end of October.
- Our drop off is farmers market style – though the selection of each week’s share is chosen by the farmers (and the weather!), the veggies are displayed in bulk so you can choose the lettuce or bunch of carrots that appeals to you. Members can also swap items at the pickup so that you take home only vegetables you that you want, depending on your tastes.
- Members receive a bi-weekly farm newsletter, updating them on
farm goings-on and sharing recipes, info and stories.
Winter Share
Our winter CSA share is made up of farm-grown storage and late-season crops to keep you going through the winter. Winter crops from the farm are flavourful and crisp, colourful and nutritious. Our winter share runs for 6 bi-weekly pickups to Hanover or Guelph (or at the farm) from early November until end of January.
Sign up for a winter share when you sign up in the spring to ensure your spot! Winter shares are limited so make sure to sign up early. Otherwise, contact us in late summer to check availability.
Some of the veggies in the winter share include:
Potatoes, carrots, leeks, beets, parsnip, celeriac, squash, onions, garlic, napa cabbage, green and purple cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, spinach, lettuces, bok choy, endive, kale and collard greens.
We deliver our shares to Hanover and Guelph on the following schedule:
Hanover: Tuesdays, 4-6pm new location TBA, Hanover
Guelph: Thursdays, 4-7pm at the Guelph Farmer’s Market Building.
On-Farm pickup: at the farm east of Neustadt: 4-7pm
Share Sizes and Prices:
Payment Options
One of the great things about the CSA model is that farmers receive much-needed income at the beginning of the season when most of our costs are incurred. Therefore, we encourage members who are able to pay as much as possible of the of their shares as early as possible in the year. However, you may also pay in installments (if cost is an issue for you, please contact us at the farm to discuss options – we are committed to making our produce available to all members of our community).
SPRING: Our spring shares are delivered weekly and offered in one size only for $140
Summer Shares are offered with both weekly and bi-weekly pickup options. The weekly option is a total of 20 weeks of veggie shares and the bi-weekly 10. Two share sizes are offered – regular and large. Regular shares are our most popular serving a family or up to 4 people generously. Those who cook most meals from scratch, do some preserving and eat a largely veggie-based diet would appreciate the large share.
- Regular Summer Share: $825
- Bi-weekly summer (10 pickups total): $422
- Large Share: $1236
- Bi-Weekly Large Share: $630
Winter shares are offered as only a bi-weekly pickup. 6 shares delivered every other week are included and are offered in two sizes.
- Regular Winter Share: $310
- Large Winter Share: $465
Lower Cost Shares:
Our goal is to make nutritious, high quality food available to everyone but we understand that the price of shares can be prohibitive for some members of our community. In collaboration with our membership, we are able to offer reduced priced shares – up to half the cost – to members who need the subsidy. Get in touch with us for more info!
Cedar Down also works with local community service organizations and donates over 2000lbs per year of produce to their food distribution initiatives. Our produce can be found at Chalmers Community Services Centre in Guelph and through the Salvation Army in Hanover as well as in meals served at O’SHaRE in Owen Sound.