So many things are happening on the farm. We really want to be able to share all the excitement with our CSA members and friends and let you in on the wonder of watching your food as it grows and seeing the farm as it takes shape. But seeing as how folks can’t be here all the time, sharing the fun with us, I’m finally getting around to creating a blog so at least some images and updates can be shared via the ever useful internet. So here it is. I will try my best to update as much as I can, especially before newsletters come out with your CSA shares. I can’t promise that this will be as often as I would like but it will be as often as the garden permits! So…
With all this sun and heat, the crops seem like they are literally jumping out of the ground. Every time we look at them they are bigger and greener. It seems like just days ago that we put our first plantings of lettuce, carrots, greens and so on (crops that like the cool spring weather) in the ground and we are already putting in some warm-season crops this week. We spread compost yesterday and put our winter squash, pumpkins and first plantings of cucumbers and summer squash seeded in the garden. Then next week, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and beans!
On top of all this wonderful (and early) planting, there’s twitch grass to battle, irrigation to set up, and the CSA pickups to prepare for. So we thought it seemed like a good time to put up a 90-foot moveable greenhouse for season extension!
Perhaps a bit ambitious, but we’re hoping to extend our season for tomatoes, peppers and maybe cucumbers and then pack it full of hardy winter greens for our winter CSA program. It’s already starting to go up and, with a little volunteer help next week, we can finish it off and pack it full of food! The wonder and enthusiasm of having our own farm on which to carry out these dreams is giving us lots of energy. We’ll all taste the fruits of our labours soon!
Here’s some photos of the action:
- The garden is beginning to look like a garden.
- Jeff puts our first potato planting in the ground.
- Rows of lettuce mix and spinach
- Jeff seeding winter squash
- Beautiful fava bean plants!
- Little onions
- The lettuce mix and spinach look great. Under the white row cover, broccoli, cabbage and other “brassica” family crops hide from flea beetles and other hungry insects!
- The beginning stages of our 90′ moveable greenhouse.
Thanks for the update! You have been so busy! Can’t wait to eat healthier.:)
Loved all the photos of the produce that is growing so well. It’s interesting to see your large vegetable garden which this area lacks.
I was so happy to hear how well subscriptions are going! Can’t wait to come out and see the place now that it’s a working farm. Heaps of love to you both!
Congratulations: Your spirit and energy is paying off. It’s so exciting to be part of this incredible adventure. We wish we could be present in body, but in spirit will have to do for now.
Look forward to being with you soon. Love
Wow!! You guys are amazing. So beautiful. So much work!!